Art Alive Terrarium Building Workshop In partnership with PIGMENT

This Time Sold Out! Select another time.

Selected date

Saturday April 29

Selected time

1:00 PM  –  2:30 PM

Members: You must sign in at the top of the page on the far right, or register now by simply creating a password to receive your membership discount.  Please use the same email and mailing address associated with your membership card to assure it will link to your account. Your discount will appear at check-out, if the discount does not appear do not continue and please contact us.

Non-members: register for faster checkout on your next purchase.

No refunds or exchanges.

If you’re having trouble purchasing your tickets, you may need to update your browser. Otherwise, you can call 619.232.7931 to purchase tickets via phone.

Consider making an additional donation today. Your gift goes towards supporting the mission of the Museum inspiring, educating and cultivating curiosity in the areas of exhibitions and arts education.
